26 September, 2011

Monday musings

There's chicken and vegetables simmering away in the crockpot, I'll add the dumplings in right before my daughter comes home from work. I like dinners that basically make themselves. Last night was vegetable lasagna and salad. I also put out some salami and crackers and cheese and we could have made a whole dinner out of that. My mom came over and watched football and cheesy sci fi movies with us too.

The hives were especially nasty this morning. On the left side of my face they were like huge welts and my jaw line was swollen. Usually by now they've pretty much faded but my arms and chest still look nasty and I can feel the little prickling of the skin which tells me new ones are coming out. No reason. No explanation. Blood work ruled out autoimmune disease but I'm really wondering. I don't feel bad, I don't have any other symptoms, but I've got hives. They are actually called urticaria. Now mine are chronic. I'm not happy. I need a diagnostician like Gregory House to figure out what is causing these hives. Cranky or not, he's the one....bwahahahahaa


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