31 May, 2007

Action-- yes action

Came home early Tuesday in dire pain. Called doc and finally got a slot today to come in. Saw doc. Doc agreed with me. I said I can go back tomorrow, he said nope, at least a week off. So I go back Tuesday. Being referred to a pain mgmt doctor as soon as the DOL approves. I really need something to be done. Look up thoracic outlet syndrome-traumatic. That's what it is.

Did some shopping at Costco. Wanted to get printer ink but they stopped carrying the Epson cartridges that I need. So I went over to Office Depot, used my Star Teacher card and got their generics for less than it would have cost me at Costco. Good deal.

Used my stepdad's 88 Chevy wagon to get around. What a sled. Drives okay and it's not too bad on the arm. But it smells! Like poop. After I was done with the running around I came home and got the hot water machine going on my arm.

When husband came home we took Chevy back to parents, and then headed out to Walmart, 2 Walgreens and then home with dinner for the big kid. Little kid is at a movie under the stars tonight freezing her tuckus off. Water on sale at Walmart so that is a good thing. I got a sleeveless shirt to wear so I can use my water machine and not have to push up sleeves.

So no terminal observations for a couple of days. I need to get the arm simmered down. It really really hurts. The other night I had 2 glasses of wine and slept like a rock. Probably was a good thing. Today I came home and typed up a fax to the office with my doctors note as a followup, an email to HR with the progress report and doctor's note as information, and a letter to my case worker asking her to intervene with the agency that approves referrals so i can get some help. Funny thing, typing does not bother me. My arms are at my side. Of course I type with all the fingers on my left hand and only 2 on my right. Stranger than fiction, eh?

I am going to go to bed and read. My pooch is waiting for me. The husband is downstairs watching The Military Channel. Must be talking about guns again tonight.


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