05 August, 2007

Whooooo Hooooooo Yippeee Yi A Ki O MotherFu**er

No more pounding pavement for the time being. There is a God. 4 of us are being transferred to another building , going on days, and getting sat/sun off. Can we say hooray! We're outta the terminals.

So my schedule changes to 8-430 and I can take the train and then the Culver City Bus #6 which stops right in front of the building. Can't do much better than that can ya? And it could be a yellow bus if it gets me to work so I can be happy.

So one day off tomorrow to get to bed early and have everything arranged to go. I get dropped at the train, pick up the bus and go to work. To get home I do it in reverse. I can deal with that.

So I am happy that I will go to logistics:
Main Entry:
lo·gis·tics Pronunciation: lO-'jis-tiks, l&- Function: noun plural but singular or plural in construction Etymology: French logistique art of calculating, logistics, from Greek logistikE art of calculating, from feminine of logistikos of calculation, from logizein to calculate, from logos reason
1 : the aspect of military science dealing with the procurement, maintenance, and transportation of military matériel, facilities, and personnel
2 : the handling of the details of an operation The joy of making things appear.Finding the lost, aquiring new, tearing badges off old uniforms to make them ready for donation.Yes,

So good night all.

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