16 May, 2007

What is the use of testing if there is nothing to test for?

Did 1 1/2 days of training this week. First 4 hours was interesting and today was a cluster of usual proportions. I am on permanent light duty. I have no hope of ever going back to doing what I did when I was injured. Why then, do I have to, IN EFFECT MUST TAKE a test on what I did 3 1/2 years ago. I passed by the skin of my teeth and a lot of stuff was not what we covered in the review. It seems stupid to continue to test me for things I am not allowed to do. When I went into the training modules after I took this test, most of the modules were for the other type of position. Again I am limited to light duty. But I passed a lot of the modules and have an idea of what would be expected of me. Unfortunately, moving my arms up and down holding an instrument of torture would soon have me in ER begging for meds to stop the pain. Tomorrow I will email the HR person and ask why this is necessary since the agency has decided that I am never ever going back on the line. It's too bad that they can't see the forest for the trees. There are people who have abilities and talents that will never be used by the agency because they are biased and prejudiced against those of us who were injured doing our jobs. Rant over.

My cousin who was in the accident is hanging on. They seem to have stopped most of the intestinal bleeding but haven't been able to get him stable enough for the pelvis to be worked on. I hope that he will be able to tolerate surgery and be able to walk out of that hospital. I hope the asshat who hit him has a lot of insurance and money. All he got was a busted lip. I continue to pray for him.

Woke up wheezing this morning. Have had a dry throat and cough all week. Don't feel crappy but just have to keep drinking to keep my throat lubricated. That means I get up and have to talk a walk during the night. One night I was so tired I nearly fell asleep on the throne.

Not much else to say.
Life goes on.


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