02 April, 2007

Ouch Ouch Ouch

I had my 9th steroid injection into my shoulder today. And even with the cold spray it hurt like an SOB. This was a 3/3/1 injection. 3 of Marcaine, 3 of Lidocaine and 1 of corticosteroid. Hopefully it will do something. I am tired of hurting. But since I've had a bunch of others, and the result wasn't smashing I don't have a lot of faith that this one will be any different. But when you see the syringe and it's filled up with 7ml of liquid you feel just a little queasy. At least I do. I've got the bandage still on.

On brighter notes. I went to the gym this morning and after speaking with the doc, I can do the breast stroke but nothing over head. I can also use machines but do no lifting overhead. I can row to my hearts delight. I will have to figure out a way to get to the gym since I wont' have a car. ::insert not happy face here :::

The chupathingy is now legal and registered. It needs an oil and transmission fluid change desperately. Next paycheck goes to that I think.

Can't think of much else to write now.
Ciao, babies.

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