31 December, 2011

What Edmund is shuffling along for the New Year!

  1. Fountain                                           Sara Lov
  2. Ballad of a Teenage Queen             Johnny Cash
  3. Nobody                                           The Doobie Brothers
  4. Highway to the Killkenny               Boston Pops Orchestra
  5. Rocky Top                                      Ricky Skaggs
  6. It's The Earth That Moves               Bibi Tanga & The Selenites
  7. Vivace                                             Boston Pops Orchestra
  8. I've Just Seen the Rock of Ages      Ralph Stanley & The Clinch Mountain Boys
  9. Callin' Baton Rouge                        Garth Brooks
  10. Rolling in the Deep                         Adele     

30 December, 2011

A Hippy Woman's Life Book Page 36

 A Hippy Woman's Life Book Page 36

December 30, 2011

Outside my window. . . Hazy, windy, and 55

I am thinking… The fog outside makes it really cool inside

I am thankful for a good week

From the learning rooms… so many neat recipes out there

I can't believe . . . what cool things were under the tree

From the kitchen. . . ground beef something

I am wearing  robe and nightgown

I am creating… time for me

I am going   to take a hot shower and steam

I am reading . . from my Kindle

I am hoping… to get things organized

I am hearing… CSI-Las Vegas

Around the house. . . looks pretty good to me

One of my favorite things… hanging up on telemarketers

A few plans for the rest of the week
1.  Get ready for a quiet New Years Eve
2.  Make a rice filled warm pack
3.  Enjoy it

Here is a picture for thought I am sharing:

 Peace and out.
da bunny   

29 December, 2011

On the 4th day of Christmas my true love gave to me....

he made the bed.

Wonder of wonders. With me still in it. A hint might I think?

28 December, 2011

ON the third day of Christmas my true love gave to me.....

Peace and quiet, he went back to work.

Deal with it.

Party on dudettes

My daughter is having a party tonight. Everyone is over 21 and there will be drinking. There will also be keys collected and no one leaves if they have been drinking. It's the way of the game or else there is no game.

I read another blogger who is again ranting and raving about the evil Catholics, Lutherans and Episcopalians. She said we "worship" the Queen of Heaven, Mary. I told her to give me a theological citation from a respected source that says that about Lutherans. In my almost 60 years I've never ever had a pastor or teacher refer to Mary as such. In Catholic services sure, but not in Lutheran settings. 

She brings up all these obscure anti Catholic screeds and I again told her, show me in a citation from a source that is non biased. Can't do that. 

Her minions think she is so wonderful. She quit having Christmas because she knows Christ wasn't born on the 25th of December. I told her I didn't care when he was born, it was the way to celebrate it. She thinks it's pagan , so what? The reason there is a creche goes back to the days when people were illiterate and the priests and church leaders created a way to show the story. They are probably doing this because they can't afford to buy their kids gifts. Cheap bastards. 

And then in another post (which she conveniently deletes every other day) she mentions that they traveled to a friends house for Christmas and had a great time. CAN'T HAVE IT BOTH WAYS. People remember. And nothing is forever gone in the internets.

And that as they say, is that!

27 December, 2011

On the second day of Christmas my true Love gave to me....

Help making the weenies in blankets for our guests.
Cleaned and scrubbed the tile floors.
Cleaned the marble counter tops.

What a guy!

26 December, 2011

On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me

A trip to costco to stock up on paper goods.

Yeppers. Well we needed them.

Today I cleaned the kitchen, we installed a plug strip where it was needed by the stove, put everything that had to go into the dishwasher in it and turned it on, did some laundry and made my list for tomorrow.
Grocery, home, clean bathrooms, vacuum, pick up detritus of normal life.

And got a new toilet seat that doesn't pinch. 8-)

Good Christmas, hopefully the new year will be better than this one.

25 December, 2011

ooh ooh ooh

I got a mixer and a kindle, a candle and a spoon stand, and some wonderful things from my wonderful family.

I hope your Christmas was as blessed as mine.

24 December, 2011

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all.
Have a wonderful holiday and enjoy the time spent with family and friends.

20 December, 2011

A Hippy Woman's Life Book Page 35

A Hippy Woman's Life Book Page 35

 The Winter Solstice is Upon Us
By Amulbunny   
December 20, 2011

Outside my window. . . Sunny, breezy and 63

I am thinking… I’ve got a bunch of gifts to wrap

I am thankful for what God has given me.

From the learning rooms… Russian History is fascinating

I can't believe . . . that most of the gifts have been purchased

From the kitchen. . . not the slightest idea

I am wearing  UK soft tee shirt and jeans

I am creating… a place for mediatation

I am going   to bake some brownies today

I am reading . . Haven’t decided..have 4 new books

I am hoping… the rest of the stuff gets here today

I am hearing… Classic Christmas on Pandora

Around the house. . . Dog is wearing his new sweater

One of my favorite things… sugar cookies

A few plans for the rest of the week
1.  Wrap the gifts
2.  Clean the house
3.  One more Costco trip

Here is a picture for thought I am sharing:

Peace and Blessing to All

18 December, 2011

a small village in the snowy land

Happy Holidays
The fourth and last purple candle, 
oftentimes called the "Angels Candle,
 represents peace and is lit on the fourth Sunday of Advent.

16 December, 2011

Sh Sh shuffle time.....

OMG I just had 2 pieces of heavenly dark chocolate. I'm going to have to walk miles and miles after Christmas.....bwahahahahahahaaaaaaa

Anyways, let's see what happens when Edmund stirs up his electrons and starts to shuffle:

        1. Born This Way                          Lady Gaga
        2. House Made of Dawn Light       Dougies Spotted Eagle
        3. Dust on the Bottle                      Tim Mc Graw
        4. Circus                                         Britney Spears
        5. Give Me the Beat Boys               The Doobie Brothers
        6. Layla                                          Eric Clapton
        7. Masters in this Hall                     Mannheim Steamroller
        8. Wildwood Flower                      Keith Urban & Ricky Skaggs
        9. Always on My Mind                  Willy Nelson and Johnny Cash
        10. Fisher's Hornpipe                        Yo Yo Ma ,Mark O'Connor & Edgar Meyers
Sorry for the crappy formatting. Such is life. 
Peace and out.

15 December, 2011

A Hippy Woman's Life Book Page 34

 A Hippy Woman's Life Book Page 34

By Amulbunny   
December 15, 2011

Outside my window… Dark, windy and 52 and dropping

I am thinking… we may need to light this 2nd heater

I am thankful for a good well woman visit

From the learning rooms… Catherine the Great redux

I can't believe . . . how much I need to shop

From the kitchen. . . finished pasta, ground sirloin, spices, tomatos and corn

I am wearing  comfy jeans and a big shirt

I am creating… a list of things to do tomorrow

I am going   to go back to my new book

I am reading . . The Winter Palace, an ARC I won

I am hoping… it’s not to windy tomorrow

I am hearing… something in the living room, I don’t really care

Around the house. . . Husband is laid out on the couch

One of my favorite things… warmth

A few plans for the rest of the week
1.  Get my nails done
2.  Cook the food for the smorgasbord
3.  Look for a cute sweatshirt for Christmas

Here is a picture for thought I am sharing:
 With regards to my former employer. . . . . 

14 December, 2011

Thoughts on the Duggars and their loss

I am sorry that they lost their 20th child to a miscarriage.

I am appalled that they would use People magazine for their updates, have their fame whore niece post pictures of the whole family smiling like monkeys at the memorial service, and mask their need for "privacy" with their greed to get TLC to carry their show another season. And who posts an obituary for a fetus? Plus shows pictures to the whole world at a memorial service while having an open box for the coffin? FAME WHORES!

Michelle is not much of a mother. Once the kid is weaned off it goes to their buddy and the buddy (girl of course) basically raises the child. She's addicted to having babies, and that's it. Why doesn't she show some concern for her children, like the young boy who fell into an orchestra pit in Atlanta and the first thing Mom does is whip out her IPhone and take pictures all the while smiling like a deranged monkey. 

Their last child, Josie, seems to be suffering developmental delays and we never hear of any therapeutic work for her. She's nearly 2 and can't walk yet. Jim-bob's tired saying of buy used and save the difference doesn't cut it in the world of premature children. How hypocritical is it to thank God for saving the life of their preemie but not acknowledge the learned doctors and nurses in the NICU and PICU who were there round the clock and used their knowledge to tend to her. Michelle was forced to spend more time with Josie, because Josie was hanging on for dear life, literally. And after 19+ pregnancies, you'd think that her uterus was screaming enough already, I'm tired, I'm used up. And who in God's name would drag a fragile young child overseas to show her off. This ended up with Josie having to be hospitalized in Israel and being flown home with a doctor on the plane. 

Knowledge that  the Duggar children won't be able to know because of their devotion to the ATI mindset and Bill Gothard, who teaches that higher education is not necessary for women, because their goal in life is to be a wife and mother. No matter what, no birth control, natural family planning, or abstinence, because Gothard teaches you have to have a quiverfull to fight this big old mean world. Gothard's standards also dictate dress standards, how to wear your hair and patriarchy. 

Thought I'd throw that in at the end. Where the father is the BOSS. And the sons are the boss, and the wife and daughters are the chattel, like cattle in the feedlot. Where the almighty penis seems to infer superiority. Where daughters stay at home till their Prince Charming comes to call, court, and marry, usually within a few months. Where other daughters sit at home and watch the years pass by and no Prince Charming knocks on their door, so they wind up as old maids, still living under Dad's thumb, under educated, no job (women working is EVIL) and trying to STAY SWEET. Where people go from not touching, holding hands, hugging,of the opposite sex to marriage in less than a month or two usually? Unprepared, unknowing, except that the husband is the boss and he can treat you if he wishes as less than dirt. I'd sure as hell not want to marry someone I didn't have anything in common but religion. Not having long unchaperoned visits, not being able to talk on the phone unless there was someone else in the room or on an extension. Yeah right. What is the sense of going from 0-60 without some instruction? 

Ok I don't believe in this kind of blind devotion to the teachings of a 70 something man who never married. As is my opposition to priests not being married. How can you counsel someone in a relationship if you live without a partner? Books teach you, but common sense and practice mean a lot more. 

I thank God that I was born into a family who treasured education, who believed that Christ's grace was freely given to all, who didn't mind that their children worked before and after marriage. 

/rant over

And this isn't even all of them. There were 6 more born after this.

12 December, 2011

It is raining

It's 1230 and it's been raining since 0230. Nice steady rain. The dog hates it. I have to pick him up and toss him out on the front patio.
House is cold too. Furnace is on. My stomach is not happy with me today.

09 December, 2011

It's not too late to shuffle!!

    1. Stop Forwarding That Crap to Me                                  Al Yankovic
    2. Minnie the Moocher                                                        Band from TV featuring Hugh Laurie
    3. Tipitina                                                                            Hugh Laurie
    4. Tryin'                                                                               The Eagles
    5. Magh Seola  (The Level Plain)                                        Boston Pops
    6. People Are Strange                                                          The Doors
    7. Heavy Metal Lover                                                          Lady Gaga
    8. Planet of Woman                                                             Z Z Top
    9. Long Legged Guitar Picking Man                                   Johnny Cash & June Carter Cash
    10. There is no Rose (Ceremony of Carols, Britten)              The Choir of Trinity College

Have a good night, a good weekend and remember to pass it forward. You'll know why after you've done it.

Doug Phillips is a tool.


Read about a tool. A real first class one who is an embarrassment to all.

I have a kid who....

loves anthropology and meteorology. She also loves Disneyland. She goes as often as she can and has the best pass you can get. Last night after work she and a friend went. She took this picture:
The magic of Disneyland at Christmas. So lovely. 

This Sunday my Mom turns 87. Yesterday we drove up to Camarillo to the outlet mall. It was a nice drive up the coast and we didn't overdo it. We had lunch at Panera. I love to go to lunch there. I had a half salad and a cup of their awesome French Onion soup. Today I have to go over to Costco to order a cake to get tomorrow to take to church on Sunday. 87. Wow.

I leave you with this thought:

Peace and out.

07 December, 2011

I'm so cold

We've got the heater on, I'm waiting on a hot sandwich to come through the door, and I'm going to find something very warm to sleep in tonight. I'm just cold. My hand doesn't want to get warm.

That's all. I'm cold.

Move along, move along, these aren't the words of wisdom you're looking for.

05 December, 2011

Yeah 5000 pageviews!

Pageviews all time history

Who would have thought that a blog where I bitch, moan, and generally talk about my mundane life would hit 5,000.

Makes me smile today.


04 December, 2011

Sunday sentiments

1.  This Packer game is pretty wild. They're getting more opposition than they've seen all year.
2.   I was reading the new budget for the church, I am not thrilled they are giving the organist a raise. If she could play a decent service, then I wouldn't bitch. But the girl has no idea regarding a real prelude and postlude and playing all four parts of a hymn. She's got an organist's edition of the liturgy and hymnal but prefers to play out the congregational hymnal and improvise. She's not a good improvisor either.
3.  I have discovered that if I take my immunosuppresant with milk, it doesn't bother my stomach that much. So I get a glass of milk in the morning as well as at lunch.
4. I need to get this house in order for the rest of the decorations to go up.

Happy Holidays!

02 December, 2011

Hey !!! It's Friday, and you know what that means ! Edmunds awake!

Ok , so it's Friday and I need to do a shuffle or two before I head off to watch what ever I can find on the cable box. 500 channels and nothing to watch. Sad isn't it?

Anyhooooo. I got a new med. It's an immunosuppressant which might cause the hives to go away. Wouldn't that be nice? It's got a bunch of potential side effects. I am hoping that I will be able to take it without too much angst. I also have to stay away from sick people. Here's what the horse pill looks like:

So now without further delay, Friday's shuffle:

  1. Fionnghuala (Mouth Music)                          Nightnoise
  2. Hy-Ah-Su                                                         Duke Ellington
  3. Fashion of His Love                                       Lady Gaga
  4. Lady Luck                                                        The Brian Setzer Orchestra
  5. I Will Be There                                                Ray Charles with Idina Menzel
  6. Where The Soul Never Dies                        Ricky Skaggs & Tony Rice
  7. Cecilia                                                             Simon and Garfunkel
  8. Invisible Sun                                                   Sting & Aswad
  9. The Might Quinn (Quinn the Eskimo)          Manfred Mann
  10. Cold Shoulder                                                Adele

Ok. That's enough for tonight. See you when things settle down at the ranch. We didn't get blown away Wednesday night but it was scary hearing the wind tear through these old trees. Luckily none of ours fell down. 

Peace and Bright Blessings. 

30 November, 2011

So today's the 30th....

This is the end of the daily blogging. I admit I wasn't the most exciting nor the most erudite but I did my best. That's what I do in life, do my best and hope that it is enough.

I'm sitting here listening to Pandora and after I am done with this I'm going to pick up my book and go into the living room, sit in the comfy chair and read. I have no idea about any kind of dinner. My kids are adults and can make their own or get some.

November has been bitter sweet. December has a lot of things coming up.


29 November, 2011

A Hippy Woman's Life Book Page 33

A Hippy Woman's Life Book Page 33

By Amulbunny   
November 29, 2011

Outside my window… 75 at twilight and hazy

I am thinking… someone could have told me my shirt was on inside out. Sheesh

I am thankful for meds for the sick girl

From the learning rooms… Catherine the Great

I can't believe . . . how time flies

From the kitchen. . . make your own dinner tonight

I am wearing  sweat pants that are loose and a big shirt

I am creating… nothing exciting today.

I am going   to thank God for my family

I am reading . . Catherine the Great, The Crows sucked

I am hoping… we get a windfall for Christmas shopping

I am hearing… Law and Order, an old rerun

Around the house. . . Sick kid on the couch

One of my favorite things… hot tea with lemon and raw sugar

A few plans for the rest of the week
1.  See the doctor
2.  Take down the November decorations
3.  Start Christmas decorations

Here is a picture for thought I am sharing: