03 December, 2006

Paying for all that cooking

Well making all those meatballs caused me great spasms of discomfort and tears last night. I woke up in the middle of the night in tears from all the pain ( and I was in the middle of a very nice dream with someone I've liked for years, damn). Today was a pain pill day and hopefully it will be lessened over the night.

Lasagne for dinner tonight and it's already in the oven. Thank God for Costco.

Dinner at church was nice. Not as many people but lots of food. The kids sang well. I was so happy with that. The girls also learned to wear shoes that don't hurt your feet. Ha.Ha. Ha.

The winds are blowing and the humidity is down to 6%. Everytime I get out of the car I get a shock. I'm praying for some clouds and fog to bring some moisture back into the air. We all have been drinking lots and lots of water to keep hydrated. And lots of lotion on the legs and arms to stop the alligator skin on the body.

Football tonight. Seattle. Should be okay.

Had kids over night and I don't think the kids got much sleep. Going to be a long day tomorrow for them. Unless they get to bed at a decent hour. Dog is going crazy too. Cat is being chased all over everywhere. Such fun.

Not much else. I am going to take it easy for a day or two. The arm is really bad.



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