31 December, 2012

And on the 6th day which also happens to be New Years Eve

Six geese a laying 


Glad to see it go.
Glad to have a new year to try to accomplish something worthwhile.
Glad to be able to have a roof over our heads.
Glad to be able to have food on our plates.
Glad to have God on our side. 

Bring it on 2013.

30 December, 2012

And on the 5th day of Christmas my true love gave to me

Five golden rings

 4 Calling Birds

3 French Hens

2 Turtle Dove 

And a partridge in a pear tree

29 December, 2012

A Happy Woman's Life Book Page 61

A Happy Woman's Life Book Page 61

By Amulbunny   
December 29,2012

Outside my window. . . 51, grey, wet and windy.  

I am thinking…  today is a not go anywhere day.  

I am thankful for…  a warm heater in here.

From the learning rooms… those slow cooker liners are ace!

I can't believe . . .I missed the thunder.

From the kitchen . . . Something from the freezer.

I am wearing…  long sleeved tee, jeans, sox and slippers.

I am creating . . . who knows what?  
I am going…   to start my tea.

I am reading . . . The Bone Bed by Patricia Cornwell.

I am hoping…  that we get some more rain and thunder.

I am hearing…  NCIS, 2nd official episode with Ziva

Around the house. . . . 1 dog, 1 cat, 1 husband.

One of my favorite things… rainy days and a good book.

A few plans for the rest of the week
1.   Watch the Rose Bowl Parade
2.   Watch the Rose Bowl Game
3.   Watch the Packer Game on Sunday.

Here is a picture for thought I am sharing:

On the 4th day of Christmas My True Love Gave to Me

28 December, 2012

26 December, 2012

A Touch Late

Merry Christmas
New Year!!!!

On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me, a partridge in a pear tree.

23 December, 2012

To the guy who built this house

Why did you put a wall heater facing the bathroom and not close to the bedroom? We don't use it because there is no heat. Hence the space heater that I use.
The rest of the house is nice and toasty thanks to the double sided furnace. This side isn't.

To the guy who remodeled the bathroom. You put in a used jacuzzi tub. Instead of sinking it you put it in and decided to make 2 1 foot steps to use to get in, and also step over the water faucets for the tub. The shower is on a different connector. Not smart dude.

And dude, we know what's growing in the garage that was supposed to be ours. Did you fill up your new house's garage with crap too? It's pretty shitty to take the front places parking spot because you're running your enterprise from the garage.

Did you know that the boards that you used for the floor of the non usable patio where the broken spa is (which is also put in backwards.....) are sagging and will probably fall apart soon from the termites? If someone is back there, fighting off the encroaching jasmine and falls, I hope your homeowners insurance is up to date.

Rain is on it's way. Hence the pain pill.
Hope to sing tomorrow night. Time to read some more and then hit the sack.

Advent 4

My soul magnifies the Lord
And my spirit rejoices in God my Savior;
Because he has regarded the lowliness of his handmaid;
For behold, henceforth all generations shall call me blessed;
Because he who is mighty has done great things for me,
and holy is his name;
And his mercy is from generation to generation
on those who fear him.
He has shown might with his arm,
He has scattered the proud in the conceit of their heart.
He has put down the mighty from their thrones,
and has exalted the lowly.
He has filled the hungry with good things,
and the rich he has sent away empty.
He has given help to Israel, his servant, mindful of his mercy
Even as he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his posterity forever.

19 December, 2012

A Happy Woman's Life Book Page 60

A Happy Woman's Life Book Page 60

By Amulbunny   
December 19,2012

Outside my window. . . 62, sunny, and clear.  

I am thinking…  this country needs gun reform.  

I am thankful for…  my children.

From the learning rooms… never ever take things for granted

I can't believe . . .the WBC would picket those children’s funerals. What assholes.

From the kitchen . . . Empty the fridge and knock yourself out.

I am wearing…  long sleeved tee, jeans, sox and clogs

I am creating . . . a clean place in the living room  
I am going…   to get my crèche set up tonight.

I am reading . . . Crescendo by Becca Fitzpatrick.

I am hoping…  That everything can be ready.

I am hearing…  watch another episode of Ancient Aliens.

Around the house. . . . 1 dog, 1 cat, 1 husband,1 son.

One of my favorite things… setting up the crèche.

A few plans for the rest of the week
1.  Clean the cook book corner out.
2.  Finish the laundry to be sorted for goodwill
3.  Enjoy my Burt’s Bees Gud stuff.

Here is a picture for thought I am sharing:

16 December, 2012

Advent 3

This candle is more needed than ever in this ever changing world.
From the halls of Sandy Hook School to the streets of an
established Palestinian refugee camp in Syria
to the street of East Los Angeles.
Peace is the answer.
Christ Jesus will entire this world as a small child who will bring peace. 

O Come Let Us Adore Him, Christ the Lord. 

15 December, 2012

December 15, 2012

I've been reading an awful lot about the shooting yesterday. IT is one of the worst things I have heard about in my lifetime. 

I do however dispute the statements that taking God out of our schools was the reason this young man felt the need to kill 27 people. BULLSHIT. 

God has never left our schools. Ask any kid who hasn't studied  for a test. An athlete who has to try out for a team. A musician who wants to move up in the orchestra or band or chorus. God is on their minds. Just because we don't use corporate prayer in every class doesn't mean that God is gone from schools. He's just more internalized than before. And come to think of it, I started school in 1958 and I don't remember having prayer in our classrooms nor any prominent displays of the Ten Commandments. Think on that. 

I do have a problem with people who say this tragedy is a way to glorify God and bring him back to prominence. He's not gone people. He's still there. 

But my biggest thought is why would God, if he loves us, allow this to happen? Why would he allow this young man, obviously troubled, to force his way into a grade school and kill those children and teachers? If his brother was with him. why didn't he stop him? I am having a hard time reconciling the God that I believe in allowing this to happen again after again. 

I can't say anything else without tears in my eyes. 


12 December, 2012

An adventure I'm on the sidelines for.....

My daughter has a problem with her room. Mainly that you can't make your way through it for all the piles of stuff she has on the floor, in the closet and around it. Today her cousin came over and they have been cleaning. I'll go through the sheets and stuff she found in her closet and wash them in hot water and lots of oxi clean and fold them and put them away. She got some Ikea shelve and she and her dad are putting them up, then putting her bed back down( currently it's leaning against the French doors). They have done 4 black trash bags of crap to throw out, not to mention the books that are going to go to goodwill and the salvation army. There will be clothes sent out as well. And she found a pair of shorts that the closet ate the day she brought them home from the store. That's good, they will be brand new when she goes on her Disney cruise in April.

We went to Ikea today. Nearly crowd less, lines were short, registers moved, no wait at the cafe. I was told that some of my Christmas came from Ikea. Yeah!!!!

Then we went to Fry's Electronics. My mouse has been dying and my mousepad is older than dirt. I also got a new hub, this one with 7 outlets so I can plug everything in. It is powered by cord so I don't have to worry about using too much power. I am so enjoying this View Sonic monitor that was slated for the trash bin at Pt Mugu a few years ago. As I get older it's nice to see things in a larger view.

Tomorrow I'm going to meet an old friend for coffee. We haven't seen each other in a while and it's always nice to touch base. And to get out of the house even if it's raining will be good.

Rain is on it's way so sayeth the weather forecasters. We need it.

Time for other activities.


11 December, 2012

A Happy Woman's Life Book Page 59

A Happy Woman's Life Book Page 59

By Amulbunny   
December 11,2012

Outside my window. . . 68, breezy and cool.

I am thinking…  After this, I may nap a bit.

I am thankful for…  Pandora.

From the learning rooms… life is too short.

I can't believe . . .that 2 guys I grew up with died this week. David Torney and Steve Fritz, RIP. 

From the kitchen . . . their choice tonight

I am wearing…  long sleeved tee, jeans, sox and slippers (ditto)

I am creating . . . a circle of peace.
I am going…   wrap myself up in a blanket to get warm.

I am reading . . . Intercept by Dick Wolf.

I am hoping…  the headache goes away.

I am hearing…  my husband using Dragon in the other room.

Around the house. . . . 1 dog, 1 cat, 1 husband.

One of my favorite things… simple yet elegant Christmas Trees  

A few plans for the rest of the week
1.  Decorate some more.
2.  Get ready for the rain tomorrow
3.  Show my niece where the trash bags are, it’s room cleaning for the daughter.

Here is a picture for thought I am sharing:

09 December, 2012

Advent 2 December 9,2012

Love came down at Christmas,

Love all lovely, love divine;
Love was born at Christmas,
Star and angels gave the sign.

Worship we the Godhead,
Love incarnate, love divine;
Worship we our Jesus:
But wherewith for sacred sign?

Love shall be our token,
Love be yours and love be mine,
Love to God and all men,
Love for plea and gift and sign.

05 December, 2012

So on 21 December 2012

The world is supposed to end in a huge cataclysmic kaboom .

I just want to tell you it's going to be me puking out my guts from mixing drinks and doing too many shots that night. It's my wedding anniversary. Wait, wait... I guess I'd have to go out on the 20th to do that much partying huh? Well what the hell, it's tomorrow in Australia when it's here today.


04 December, 2012

I was reminded today

That I commented on a post on someones blog back in February calling her on her statements about her happy home life. She replied to my comment that I was a big meanie. OK. Words are words. Then her minions ( God I love that word, minions) told me I was a bigger meanie and CB would never lie on her blog.

She'll post things like Santa Claus and Thor are related because the Norse religion came out of the middle east and the Babylonian mystery codes...seems to me they were separated by several if not 10 centuries. The Norse religion predated Christianity and the Romans That the Virgin Mary is the Whore of Babylon along with the Catholic Church. She doesn't believe that Peter was in Rome and established the church there. Says the Council of Nicaea was a fraud. The only true Bible is the KJV and even others before then were full of errors and misstatements. And she does this every year.

Well as my heroine says in my book Toddies for Toadies, Fiddle-dee-dee.

My screen name goes back to the 90's, when AOL had chat rooms for certain TV shows. And Alt-tv-net was a hopping with real people and real discussions. I've had it so long that it's part of me.

Did some shopping. Hope it gets here before next Tuesday. Big birthday for my Momms. 88.

My fingers are freezing and i am tired so I will end here.


03 December, 2012

Advent 1

We hope for the coming of the Savior of the Nations.
We crave the peace that his coming will bring.
We pray for the Nations. 
We live because of and thanks to our Lord.

O come, O come, Emmanuel
And ransom captive Israel
That mourns in lonely exile here
Until the Son of God appear
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.