30 March, 2011

Wacky Wednesday

Have you ever wondered why Wednesday is pronounced Wensday? Me too. But right now I'm too crazed to look up why. Just part of the service folks. And Hump Day, but what if your weekend isn't Saturday Sunday? Odd.

The errant husband is in LEX this week. Learning his craft. And he's driving up to Indiana to a casino so he can play poker. Am I thrilled about this? No but I won't make too much noise. He's too far away to care.
And he enjoys it. He came in 2nd in a money tournament and paid for a vacation..

Spring cleaning is upon me. I am packing up crap and will make a good will run tomorrow and also the Salvation Army. Lots of clothes that I will never ever wear again. I am also cleaning out my kitchen and will start over with that.  I am so happy though that the stove we got is good and doesn't do this ↓

I am craving meat loaf. I think that will be dinner tomorrow since there is nothing planned with the children. Tonight they have a D&D game planned and I don't want to feed an army. I have lots of stuff in the cupboard and in the freezer, I just don't know what I want. Perhaps corn chowder... yummo as that annoying person on the Food Network says.

Some critter bit my ankle as I was walking out to see my son this afternoon. We need to have our back yard weed whacked. I think we upset the skeeters that are hiding and it got me on the ankle. Thank God for cortisone cream and spray. My ankle's all swollen and red. Ugh. But it doesn't hurt. 


Well I've run out of good things to say. Tomorrow an era ends. I'm not sad. Just a bit bitter over the treatment that I was given. I'll survive.


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