15 June, 2008

2 hours and then whammo it starts

I figure I have 2 good hours before the muscle relaxers metabolize and start to work on the back. Yesterday I spent 2 hours with the heat belt on and slept like a log. At least during those 3 hours it didn't hurt. I have to call the PCP back on Wed and let him know what is going on. I still have excruciating pain in the shoulder, but that doesn't count with the Dept of Labor. My medicine shelf resembles this, 100 years later:

I've got to find something else to do and still be able to get insurance and earn a decent living. That will be my challenge this week on my days off, to go through USA Jobs and see what is out there. I'm willing to work, I just can't be a screener because physically I have ruined one arm and damaged my upper back. It's like playing one against thousands when you are on injured status. Even though I can't lift a suitcase I can type and do clerical. But the agency I work at, refuses to believe that. You have to be a full fledged TSO to do anything in the agency. Assholes.

The yawnies are coming so it's time to put some lidocaine patches on the parts that need them and then the heat wrap around my back. Too bad I can't take that to work with me and wear it all day. But it's got water, though it is medical, and can't get through the checkpoint. So I wish you all a pleasant day, afternoon, or night whereever you are.


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