21 March, 2007

Oh ho Oh Ho it's wondering I go.....

Oh geez. I go back to work tomorrow. I don't care, it gets me out of the house, but honestly, I need the money. Big Time. My mom is pissed at me. What else is new? It's my own damn fault.

Neighbors have a schnauzer. Barks like my mutt. Kind of eerie. I wish they could meet each other.

Made a cassarole tonight. Just winged it. Chicken, noodles, cream of chicken soup, some ortegas for zip, and some corn just for the heck of it. Tasted good. Will be good leftover.

Don't have to pick up the kiddo tonight. She is busy rehearsing. I didn't get to see her perform in this one. Thanks to odd work hours.

Wonder what will happen tomorrow. I sent an email to my HR contact and I told them about the abysmal chairs they have for people to sit in. One that I use has only one arm and pieces of wood falling out. Really good representation of the organization. I have my doubts that much more of this is just Kabuki theater.

Thinking about other things.

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