16 July, 2007

Peace and quiet

Is there such a thing? I have 2 dogs that whine. You have to hear it to believe it but they whine. And scratch at the back patio door because they want to get the cat that is inside the house. Such is life in the big city.

I had weird dreams about my real dad last night. That he had not died and had gone away and after 40+ years was having all of us kids and grandkids back to his apartment for a meeting. I was riding in a limo and going why did they lie to us ? Strange dreams.

Cartoon Glitters

Cartoon Glitters

Am pysching myself up for work tomorrow. It takes me a full day to gear myself up. Especially for the walking.

Supposedly the PTB are having a bbq on Tuesday or Wednesday as an appreciation for all of our hard work. That might be nice. Free food and drink.


Still have houseguests and kiddo #2 comes home tonight. I can't wait. I miss her.
Will have to be at the airport about 2230 to meet her, if her flight is on time.


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