07 November, 2006

Vote Today- Then You Have the Right to Bitch

I am going over to the polling place around 11 and cast my vote. Today my son will vote in his first election, the first of many I hope. I have voted since I was registered in 1971. Gives you an idea of how many presidents I have voted for, governors and propositions. Sometimes I won, sometimes I lost, but I did do my civic duty and felt good about it. I need to instill that in the kid. It's more his future now than it is mine and he needs to know that he has to take charge and make a difference in the country he lives in.

Hot again. Didn't sleep well. Pain still at a 6+++ or better. If I said 7 again, you'd just think I was bitching. Well I am. I HURT and it makes my life shit. There is no if and or but about it. It affects my daily life and my reactions and dealing. How'd you like it if you couldn't open a can without pain? Stir a pot without spasms going up and down your shoulder. And then have a doctor who says he doesn't know what is wrong. I am waiting on a 2nd opinion authorization and the damn doctor hasn't sent it in yet. This is so freaking frustrating. This is my life. Workers Comp stinks too. Rant Over.

The pumpkin candle smells good. That is nice.

I am driving my mom to the doctor. Need to get going.

Ciao !


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