11 September, 2017

Why I love Outlander


  1. Is this the right video? I love Outlanders, I think I might like the books a little better than the show though.The show, it's Murtagh I always look forward to oddly enough :)

  2. Fixed it, although Sebastian Stan is yummy.
    I love Murtagh. Don't know where he went yet?? We shall see.

  3. I loved that video although I don't think my daughter appreciated my giggling, she's doing school right now lol
    I know what happens to Murtagh in the books, seeing that the show is not following the books exactly,I'm keeping my fingers crossed for him

  4. Ron has said some of this season will not follow the books, though most of it will. I love how Sam and Cait inhabit their characters. They do bring them to life. They will start filming season 4 at the end of this month. I am waiting to see who they got for Jocasta and Duncan Innes. As for Murtagh, Duncan has been pretty tight lipped about anything season 3. I love his character as well.
