01 June, 2010

Glitter and Horseshit

There's a blog out there in the netherworld where the blogger steadfastly and continually posts about how wonderful life would be if women didn't work and stayed home and took care of their children, catered to their husbands every whim, and make delicate doilies out of paper napkins.

I read these posts and finally posted a reply (anonymous) and of course she didn't post it. She goes on and on about subservience and if men were men, women wouldn't have to do these things outside the home, their children could be homeschooled by the women at home and SAHD could be under their fathers cover until his authority could be transferred to their new Lord and Master Husband.

In my reply I said I prayed that she never got an illness and had to be treated by a female nurse, had an accident that had a female paramedic respond, went shopping at a store where a woman had to work at to help support her family because her husband had been laid off and she was already working. I also said it must be nice to be able to sit on her high cushioned chair, sip tea, glue glitter on cards, and judge the rest of the world. Nope, that one didn't get published, though she allowed one that was more vitriolic than mine and her supporters accused the commentator of being a "communist".

She idolizes Victorian ladies. I wonder if she has read about the conditions the less than affluent lived in. It wasn't idyllic. It's this kind of rhetoric that makes my blood boil.

Onto the home front, it was a nice weekend, even though the big guy was on call Saturday. BBQed and didn't do a lot. Went to the arts fair at the beach. Lots of over priced trinkets to tempt you but not enough to spend the money. I saw a really nice painting of poppies that would brighten up our living room. But not enough that I could afford 500$+ for it. I'll keep looking.

Life goes on.
da bunny

1 comment:

  1. Your sparkly lady graphic is PERFECT!

    PS - email me about C and the kids, please.
