Well sorta. I guess. If you count pain killers. They are a godsend though. I have had a pain in my shoulder for a couple of days. Yesterday it was just miserable at work and I didn't take any meds with me. Next week I will.
Wow last night and today we had a rainy night. Thunder, lightning, scared dogs. Rain falling and lulling us to sleep. The husband and the big dog (who had his melatonin) went to the mountains today to pan for gold. I bet they ended up spending some time in the motor home while the heavens opened up.
I hope we have a lot more and it can rain every other day because we need it so much.
Tomorrow I am going to the Wilshire Theater to hear Garrison Keillor talk to Sandra Tsing Loh. I think it's going to be fun. I love Prairie Home Companion thought I haven't been able to listen to it for a while. He's got a new book out and I think it will be great to hear him again. I met him at the Greek about 4 years ago.
Work is odd. There might be an unwanted change coming up. I am not happy but until something happens I am going to do the job that I am assigned and do it well. I had someone go off on me because of a lost item and I kept my cool. AGain, we did not lose the item and there is no reason the watch could not have gone in your jacket pocket or your brief case. You get tired of hearing it all the time. But I can look at airplanes now so that's okay. I like airplanes.

Got a new cookbook and I am looking forward to trying some of the recipes in it. And when I bought it, some of the money went to breast cancer research. A good thing.

So have a good weekend and