26 October, 2006

How Come???

It's supposed to be fall here. It's 82º outside and the sun is warm. Doesn't feel much like fall. I am glad that this weekend we turn the clocks back. It will be nice to gain that extra hour. And it's Reformation Sunday so I have to find something RED to wear. That shouldn't be too hard.

They make wraps for every part of the body except for the shoulder. Why can't icyhot or thermal wrap or those guys make one that you can slide on your shoulder and wear to get some relief? Even my ice machine wrap is kinda strange. I sure could use some relief and quick. Last night I rolled over and fell on my shoulder and geez louise, I hurt. Can't remember the last time I slept on my right side. Okay enough bitching.

It's nice and cool downstairs. I think I may cut some slices from last nights ham and make a sandwich, or just have some with some beans. I should cut some slices and take it over to moms too. Share the wealth. After that, dissect it and save the bone and make some pea soup when it gets cool again. I love my pea soup. My dad who's been gone 42 years now made the best yellow pea soup and I inherited the family recipe which is in my head. Not written down anywhere except a bare bones outline in a folder on my harddrive. But no GREEN peas, they give ya the wind something fierce. 8-)

So life is going on and on and on......


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