01 October, 2020

33 years ago today

 We drove to Little Company of Mary at 645AM to be admitted for a planned C-Section that afternoon. I had to be there at 7 for some paperwork and then upstairs to L&D. I was angry at my husband because he hadn't brushed his teeth and his breath could have knocked down a horse. I didn't want to smell that as I was supposed to be laboring. So we stopped and he got coffee. That was better. 

We got to the hospital and went through all the admissions stuff and we were taken upstairs to the 4th floor. I was changing into my gown and got my IV's in and was going to the bathroom because those days, you had to have an enema if you were having a c-section (thankfully that stopped by the time #2 came around). I was standing there talking to the nurse when the room started shaking and rolling. My husband who is standing there against the wall, said "This is going to be a big one", I gave him the evil eye and said to the nurse, "well that's that, I am going home". She said nope. I got back in the bed and we turned on the news. We saw Kent Shocknek, then a reporter for KNBC Channel 4 dive under the desk as an aftershock hit and the big overhead lights in the studio were swaying. That made us laugh, as we were experiencing aftershocks for quite some time. 

The doctor came and broke my water because the hospital required a trial of labor. I had full blown contractions within 15 minutes. They came strong and fast but I could have pushed till the kingdom came because he didn't drop. 

At 1230 they moved me into the delivery room, in bounced my husband covered in PPE as they call it now. I had my spinal (push out her back not your butt A) and felt some tugging below the curtain. at 1313 out he came. He was sunny side up and he hollered when they took him from his nice warm nest.  In a matter of  seconds I went from being R's wife to J's mom. 

33 years later, he's a man. Due to circumstances he still lives with us. He is a helper though, driving me places when I absolutely have to go, helping me with grocery shopping and heavy things. He's had some ups and downs but he's a good guy. 

So Happy Birthday to my son. 

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