22 September, 2016

I had to turn down a job

The job was 3 days a week and was close to home. Paid ok but no benefits. The US DOL-OWCP in its abundant wisdom said that if I took the job, they would rate me as a full time 40 hours and take away an equal amount from my workers comp check. Doesn't seem fair to me? But the almighty claims examiner has that power. The same claims examiner who told me I couldn't change doctors after I told her that the doctor I'd been seeing quit seeing workers comp patients. I am waiting for her response. I wrote her today and told her I know that she wrote the doctors office and they replied with the same information that I had told her. It's hard enough to find medical groups who will take federal workers comp patients. 

I also would like to know, why, if I was unhappy with the doctor, why I couldn't change doctors? Such convoluted thinking, I know, actually being able to choose who you want to take care of you. She's probably afraid that a new doctor would tell me I can't work full time and the new damage I've sustained was the result of 6 months sitting at a computer. 

The #1 kid is flying to ATL on Sunday to work for 2 weeks. This is his 2nd 2-week assignment, but the other one was close to home. He gets a per diem, the hotel is paid for and it's a lovely extended stay hotel. I'm happy for him. This will be the first time in years his dad and I will be alone. Whee. 

The #2 kid started a new job at the beginning of the month and she has jumped feet first into a real office job. She's happy, I sent her some Excel cheat sheets and a couple of Word ones too. She's a Mac girl and she'll have to learn PC. 

We still haven't been able to get away. Gonna have to do it soon because I'm getting crazy. I have to do this 20 jobs a week search and it gets old. 

There will be more news when I get it. Right now I just want to have some peace and quiet and stop hurting. 

da bunny

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