29 February, 2016

1 day down, 95 to go

So I'm going to this tech school 4 days a week for about 5 hours a session. Today was my first day.

How to turn on a computer. I kid you not.

See the blue icon that says WORD. (and don't forget the 5lb textbook with all of the MS2010 programs to learn). See the blank document???? Yeah, that's about it.

You didn't answer my question first, I had my hand up before she did!  I kid you not.

All of the other students in the class are USPS (post office) employees on workers comp who really don't want to be there. One guy told me as soon as his doctors tell him his knee is ready, he's going to back to work. So the blessed DOL is also funding these people. Who've been hauling mail > more than 20 years and have no interest in office management. All they want to do is get back to their post office and work there and have their union fight for them.

Since this is module learning, some of them have had Access and Outlook and Excel, others have no experience with a computer at all. Gonna be a long summer as people rotate in and out of the program. For this, the DOL is paying 7500$ in addition to whatever they are paying the career counselors, and for me, I'll be 63 when this farce is over. Out there getting 20 job applications a day 20 hours a week trying to find a position against people 30 years younger than I am.

I think it's time to get an attorney and file for SS disability retirement. Gotta be better than this.

outta here. 
da bunny

26 February, 2016

A Happy Woman's Life Book Page 91

A Happy Woman's Life Book Page 91

By Amulbunny   
February 26, 2016

Outside my window61, clear and cooling

I am thinking I need to get my nails done.

I am thankful for ceiling fans

From the learning rooms …  Monday I start 6 months of school. 4 days a week, 5 hours a day.

I can't believe. . . February is nearly over

From the kitchen . . . Waiting on some Amazon orders

I am wearing  jammers

I am creating . . .drinking my mandarin orange water

I am going     to go shopping with my mom tomorrow.       

I am reading. . . Stars of Fortune, Book 1 of the Guardian Trilogy by Nora Roberts

I am hoping that someday all the rats will find new homes.

I am hearing ancient aliens in the living room

Around the house2 dogs, husband and son

One of my favorite thingsclean jammers

A few plans for the rest of the week
1.  Church on Sunday
2.  School on Monday
3.  Hoping that I can prep some slow cooker meals.

Here is a picture for thought I am sharing:

Dog knows that Outlander is coming in April. 

My name in Gallifreyan. 

24 February, 2016

The next 6 months

First off the finale for the X-Files was depressing and way too many ends left dangling, like some of my sentences. 

I start school the 29th of Feb. I will be going for 6 months, 4 hours a day 4 days a week and learn office management. The Department of Labor has determined that I am capable of working once I finish relearning all the stuff that I have forgotten, i.e. typing, printing from a computer, graphics, and all those things. 

Amazing that I can write a blog and do those things. But I will admit that I suck at excel, it's been since 1998 and things have changed. Outlook, I never used, have no idea what Access is, and of course,our blessed Quicken. 

Then I get to learn how to send faxes, use printers, adding machines and all kinds of other office machines. The reason I have arthritis is that I used my right hand to run an adding machine for 20 years. 

I'll keep up a running commentary on the wisdom of the DOL/OWCP in putting a 63-year-old woman back in the workforce. Especially one who's injury is on her dominant side, repetitive motion anyone? 

da bunny girl

05 February, 2016

Angio was ok

Angio was ok so doctors are stumped. I was a wibbly wobbly gal when I got home. Fentanyl, Versed and morphine tend to do that.  Am still having some dull pain from the incision. Changed the bandage last night.

Life goes on.