29 April, 2013

Another Monday, another show, back at the ranch.

The ranch is in a very densely populated neighborhood. Each lot has 2 houses, some like ours, duplexes that are one story, garages in front, smaller house in front and then the large house in back. Only one way in and one way out for us. No access to the garage from the back. Other lots have smaller houses in front and 2 story homes in back. The famous raptor lives on the balcony of one of the two stories, one house down.....still roaring his disappointment at not being able to fly with the wild parrots in the area.

We hear people in their driveways to the east and along the walkways to the west. We are behind a large gate which keeps most door to door people away. Cinco de Mayo is coming up next weekend. You can bet on at least 2 mariarchi bands bands with their tubas and trumpets playing through the night. Lots of beer cans in the recycling the next day. It's funny CdM isn't a big holiday in Mexico, the Mexican Americans here in the states started it small years ago and now it's a big time holiday, especially on weekends. The best we can hope for is no gun shots and no violence.

I'm debating looking for an orthopedist that takes federal disability cases. I seriously think something is wrong with the shoulder. I felt a sproing. You know what a sproing feels like...when the spring breaks and it goes sproing!!!!! It was really bad over the weekend. Of course it could be my severe arthritis in my shoulder that is causing the pain. I took 2 Extra Strength Tylenol this morning and so far so good. It hurts to move but not as excruciating as it was yesterday. Last night I took a Rx pill and a muscle relaxer as well. I quit counting how many meds I take a day. Some are Rx and some are supplements. I am stopping the fish oil for a while, because along with my baby aspirin it makes my blood a lot thinner and I bleed a lot from little cuts and scrapes. Wise women.

Not much else to regale you with. Weather is mild here. Husband was in the desert again and it was way warm. The kind of warm I'd not be happy with without an air conditioner. Our generator won't support that. We'll need to get some $$ saved and get a bigger one before I'd go anywhere warm, at least if you have hookups you can have air. 

Have a good week. I might be back sooner. Depends on the stars.......

da bunny

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