25 February, 2008

Does this statement smack of verbal harrassment?

"All of you light duty people are trouble, with your doctor's appointments, therapy, missing work"

This was said to me after I was told that I was being moved from the job I've held for the last 6 months and being sent back to the terminal because my dr requested that I use an ergonomic keyboard, which the DOL would pay for. Evidently this was the straw that broke the camel's back. And I am going back on a crap shift, with crappy days off and no ability to contradict them.

My doctor said way back when I went back to work, no repetitive action, yet I've been typing away for months. They just now saw it? And why didn't I ask my supervisor, well we were told that if it applied to OWCP you checked with HR. So I did and now I am screwed.

I melted down today. I left in tears. I have to go back now through the end of the week. What fun that will be.

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