09 January, 2007

From Hot and Windy to Cold and Wet and a Shuffle or something like it

That's what the weather guys are saying. From beach weather to light a fire and curl up.
The fires last night really were scary, especially since they were on the ocean side and not in the hills. I am sure the people are insured and they will rebuild.

So far so good in the new year. Just staying ahead of the pain.

Here's the Shuffle for a Tuesday night:

1. The Young Lutheran's Guide to the Orchestra ////////Garrison Keillor
2. The Devil Went Down to Jamaica ///////Weird Al
3. This Old House
///////Bette Midler
4. Act 2- Finale
5. Lord, I Want To Be A Christian
6. He Shall Purify Them
///////Handel's Messiah
7. In The Cool, Cool, Cool of the Evening
///////Bette Midler
8. Diva's Lament ( What Happened to my Part?)
/////// Spamalot
9. The Thrill is Gone
///////B B King & Eric Clapton
10. Louie Louie
///////The Kinks

And that is all she wrote.......



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