Kid #2 has finals this week. She is off to library with her study group so she can do well on her gubmint final. I hope she does well. She is really turning out to be quite the student. No AP classes for her. And no extra college classes.
I don't understand these kids who graduate with their high school diploma as well as their AA from a community college. I think kids need a transistion from high school to college. I know I wasn't ready to go to a 4 year school when I was 18. I loved school no matter what.
You have no idea what a disappoint it was for me when I actually started to teach and most of the kids I taught could have cared less. It was an example of apathy at the highest level. Of course these kids had been told they were crap since they were little so why would one teacher make a difference? i had kids who were had such severe mental illness that they belonged in hospitals and not in classrooms. Kids whose parents thought that to solve the ADD all their kids had , was to give them sugar. Yep, good old sugar. And when their kid punched through a window in a door because he was late to class, that it was the teachers fault for obeying the instructions of the principal to shut the door when the last bell rang. Oh the stories I could tell. The kid who slugged me in the abdomen when I was trying to get kids out to lunch. I should have filed a police report on that. Oh the things I know now that I didn't know then.
Well tonight is meat loaf, mashed potatoes and gravy and veges. Need to go defrost the meat. Sounds good to me.