21 May, 2020

I read fanfiction, don't hate me.

I admit it, I do read fanfiction for a certain genre and most of the time I really enjoy it. Back in the old days, I even let an X Files story or two get published on a site. Now I content myself with reading and commenting on stories.  That's good right?

For the last year or so one person has basically taken over the site with stories that make this old teacher weep in their poor construction, grammar that would make a 3rd grader wonder, and I truly believe this person uses text to word to compose. And if you mention spelling problems, they don't get fixed. I quit reading their stories. The writer is from the south and co-opting terms from a different language set sometimes doesn't do it. I wonder how this person has a life outside the fanfiction arena because they publish at least 2 new multi chapter pieces a week. I think the person must eat sleep and drink fanfiction.  And don't get me onto Tumblr either. 

Enough grousing. It's still breezy and inland is going to be hot this weekend. We're still pretty much closed as far as shopping goes. Our favorite Mexican restaurant reopened for take out only. I want one of their wet carnitas burritos soon. They have the best red sauce and fresh salsa around here. 

Brad Pitt is co-opting my current hair style. I've got a lot of grey interspersed through the back, and white witches streaks through the front. I hate my hair. If I thought I could get away with it, I'd drive the 330 miles to Vegas and get my hair cut. If I don't I'll wait till July and get it cut when my lady goes back to work, if she does. 

Also a good recommendation for a binge watch: The Great on Hulu. A bit saucy and a bit risque but loads of fun watching Elle Fanning and Nicholas Hoult. 

Sleep tight, watch out for those covid dreams and we'll get through this. 

14 May, 2020

Blowing a Gale

It's clear and 71ยบ outside and the wind is blowing so hard the fence is shaking. The wind makes the dog hinky and she is really scared. Right now she's asleep. The wind also makes our security camera alert. I looked at my phone and there were 70 warnings. 

Listening to the LA County report on Covid-19. 1709 total deaths in LA County; 35,329 total cases. They have relaxed some of the restrictions but basically they are saying stay at home except to go to doctor or go to grocery store. I have some residual lung problems from the pneumonia so I don't go out unless I have to. I truly hate wearing the mask, my glasses get all fogged. 

Peace, stay safe, and pay attention to the rules. 

da bunny

12 May, 2020

Now it's going to be September

Because the cases keep happening, the death rate hasn't slowed, LA County is going to keep the stay at home order till the end of August. By then I'm sure I will have read nearly all the books on my Kindle. 

Listening to the LA Times podcast interview with Sam Heughan. Outlander Season 5 ended Sunday and it was grueling to watch. If Cait Balfe isn't nominated for an Emmy, Something is wrong with the Academy.

I don't usually listen to podcasts but that is going to change. There is so much out there. I can't watch much news, I get too upset. Even local news bothers me.

My youngest turned 31 this past week. We got her a selection of red lipsticks since she loves red and I went to the LUSH website and picked some cool bath bombs and gel wash. They threw in a container of body salve as well. I miss her. She was planning on coming home in July. But she won't know till June. 

Having a time with my hips again and my left hand. Was supposed to see an ortho in April, that got postponed till June. I'm pretty sure I'm going to have surgery on the hand. It's been an ongoing problem for a couple of years and there were only so many injections you can have. The hips are structurally ok, it's the muscles. I've got meds I can take but that makes me groggier than I normally am. 

I miss baseball. I wouldn't admit it, but it would be nice to mindlessly watch a team play on TV on Saturday afternoon.

And now it's time to make the rice for dinner and find some mindless show on Amazon with the spouse (who is working).

Peace. Patience.