I watched the ball drop with the errant husband at 2100PST , live in NYC . There aren't any big things here in the LA area. No matter, at our midnight it was like being in a war zone. Shells going off loud enough to rattle our windows and scare our pets.
So at 0055 the phone rings, it's my mom. My stepdad had just been taken to the hospital with breathing difficulties. The errant husband said I'll come over and take you, you don't need to be out there with the crazies, and the power was out in a 2 sq mile area thanks to a yahoo taking out
a transformer and the pole. They got there and he stayed with her till 0300. He went back this morning and brought her home to change clothes. He's now in ICU because all the beds in Cardiology were full. He's got pneumonia and some fluid in his lungs. He's comfortable now. 2 years ago I spent 6 hours at the ER at another hospital with my mother, when she hurt her back. I hope that it is for this year.
Watching 2012 and it's a dumb movie. Even on big screen it's a dumb movie. Almost as much cardboard scenery chewing as The Day After Tomorrow. Glad I didn't have to pay for it.
As far as things in the real world. I don't think I'll be getting that passport after all. Don't want to be treated like a criminal in my own country. And the deceit is more and more exposed.
So let's have a happy new year and make 2010 the year we do things right.