I'm Stealing this one from the Dixie Peach! Thank you.
A is for Age - 52
B is for Booze -
PKNT Chardonnay From ChileC is for Career - Put on hold till someone fixes the shoulder.
D is for Dad's Name - Franz on his birth certificate, Frank for every day life.
E is for Essential items to bring to a party - Wine, Cheese and an appetite
F is for Favorite song at the moment -
Hurt by Johnny CashG is for Goof off thing to do -
Read and play SolitaireH is for Hometown -
Wausau, WisconsinI is for Instrument you play - Clarinet, Pipe Organ, Electronic Organ, Piano
J is for Jam or Jelly you like - Concord Grape Jelly
K is for Kids - one of each type
L is for Living arrangement - Husband, dog, kids, 3 cats and the dust bunnies
M is for Mom's name - Jeane E. maiden name ryhmed. her mom had no sense of humor
N is for Names of best friends - Nancy (2), Lisa, Karen, Sheepo
O is for Overnight hospital stays - Last one was 2001, for heart trouble
P is for Phobias Stationary height, spiders, bugs, creepy things,
Q is for Quote you like - "Am I the only straight guy left in this circle?" My sheepo
R is for Relationship that lasted the longest - The marriage, 20 years old.
S is for Siblings -One brother alive, one half brother deceased
T is for Texas, ever been? - Flown over it, my inlaws are from there.
U is for Unique trait - I can crack my toes and my ankles. I have a good laugh.
Vegetable you love - Sauerkraut
W is for Worst traits - Procrastination, Stubborness, Hard head.
X is for Xrays you've had - Teeth, ankle, abdomen, spine, cerivical neck, shoulder, knees
Y is for Yummy food you make - Fumi Salad
Z is for Zodiac sign -Cancer