08 November, 2009

Damn Dryer.....it's only 22 years old

Yes my dears, after 22 years of hard work the dryer of my dreams has given up the ghost. No pounding rubber mallets, no new solenoids, no new widgets can make my baby lite up and heat. Sadness overwhelms me. That dryer has been with us since before we had a child. The washer we bought with it died several years ago. This means I have to go and look at some used ones and find a gas dryer that will fit the bill. Sadness and more sadness.

Went to church today. The widow's mite and how we're all beggars and we can't be choosers. But God has chosen us. This is most certainly true.
Mark 12: 41-44
He sat down opposite the treasury, and watched the crowd putting money into the treasury. Many rich people put in large sums. A poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which are worth a penny. Then he called his disciples and said to them, ‘Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the treasury. For all of them have contributed out of their abundance; but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on.’

I forgot my food offering. Will have to get it ready for next week. I try to bring some dry goods like muffin mix and canned goods every week for the needy. The church also does feeding of the homeless or needy once a month, as and Pastor says they don't get to choose, they just take what they get. We are also collecting new sweatshirts XL and bigger. Makes you humble. We don't have a lot but we share what we have.

Our usual organist is in Korea so we had a guest today. Much better technically but not a hymn player really. Needs to know we like the music loud and we'll sing louder. The Alleluia was kind of piddly.

Watched a wedding via a live stream this Friday. The bride is 28 and the groom a little older. They are Calvinistic Presbyterian and very conservative. They never kissed till they got married, I can imagine there were a lot of long phone calls getting to know each other. Her father controlled every aspect of her life, and now that power has been transferred to her husband. I hope that doesn't mean that slavery and ownership of human property has come back into being. She is moving to CA now from Mo. She lived in CA a long time ago. I hope they have a long and happy life and she can experience new and exciting things.

Kind of down today. Maybe it's just knowing we've got to come up with extra money to pay for the dryer. And everything else that needs to be paid for. I want so much to go back to school, but I don't know what my future holds. And I've got to get the attorney going for my schedule award.


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