04 May, 2007

A Quick Chuckle

Karma does come around.

Tom Ridge, who was the first Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security came through the checkpoint I was near yesterday. He got the dreaded SSSS on his boarding pass. Perhaps his name is on the no fly list? Perhaps he's whatever. Anyway, he got the full 5¢ patdown. Too bad.

In other news, people still ask where the baggage claim is for the airline they came in on, where the closest area is they can smoke, where can they take their dog inside security to take a whiz, and are you sure my baggage is here. I felt sorry for one lady whose flight was delayed then cancelled. I directed her to baggage services and told her they could help her.
There were several people who thanked me profusely for telling them that yes there are restrooms by baggage services. And they walked by 2 sets of restrooms after they left the plane.

Another person came up to a group of people who work for the organization and asked them( mind you these are guvmint employeees here) if they could call Thai Airways and tell them a group was delayed? Um no. You need to contact them yourself. Not connected to airlines at all. Just a thorn in the side.

Another news item, someone at DIA dropped the ball and a jungle jet had to get reverse screened when it landed here. Isn't that locking the barn door after the horse is out? Did they check the RJ after it landed for secreted knives or weapons? Or tell people after they had already landed they couldn't take their 15 oz shampoos with them?

::insert head pounding genie here::

And a certain airline changed the code to the ops center downstairs and some of the flight crews didn't have it. But we did. I have gone into the area once to get a bottle of water from the vending machine in the lunchroom. I have actually been in the ops center, years ago when I was taking a class in travel management. It was cool. But then I had been in the TWA ops center and comm center at LAX a few times in my wasted youth.

Oh well. Another exciting day in the life of a drone.

Ciao babies.

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