13 February, 2007

High Schools and Musicals

The kid #2 had a script read through for the musical she is in tonight. She was so tired when I picked her up. She said to me Mom I think if you come, either come opening night or closing night. It's not going to be a good show. The dialouge is lame and the actors are not thrilling. She is going to be in the chorus but has done other musicals. I trust her. And I have to promise to bring several flats of water to the drama room so the kids can drink or cook food. I don't know about that. And the teacher has scheduled the parents meeting for Ash Wednesday. Well sorry, I am occupied that night. Holy Day of Obligation and all that. Church starts at 7PM and that overrides any drama practice.

So she was starved. We stopped at the market and I went to the Deli section and picked up some poor boy sandwiches and pepperonicini slices and some cheese and that's what dinner was. I bought 3 good sized sandwiches in a package for 3.98$ and divied them up between me and the boys. The kiddo picked out her own sandwich.

American Idol tonight and then House. Then I am going to read some more of this 700+ page book called The Crimson Petal and the White which is actually good.

I'm on a message board that I've been active on for about 3 years. I've met some neat people IRL and online. A friend made a snarky comment about one of her kids and one of the oh so perfect people on the board made a nasty comment on the board to her. It should have been taken to email, but oh no. So the good friend had her self unregistered and she said she may lurk. I don't get into pissing matches with people, it just uses up too much energy that I don't have to waste. Gotta wonder though don't ya?

It's noisy up here tonight but it is too cold downstairs. I had a fire going but I think I will stay up here and watch tv when it's time.

Ciao Babies!!!!


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